Publications and Presentations
California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) virtual expert panel briefing, Innovations in Desalination, May 2023

3rd Best Research Paper Award of the 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference hosted by the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) at the University of Maryland in March 2023
Patents and Invention Disclosures
A Heat Storage System using Storage Materials with Uncontrolled Thermo-physical Properties, Provisional Application # 63210948, 2021
An Energy Storage and Retrieval Device using Waste Materials, Provisional Application # 63210941, 2021
High-density, High-temperature Thermal Energy Storage and Retrieval, US 14/475,479, 2015
Invited Talks
Panel Discussion on “Career Building for Graduate and Undergraduate Students,” ASME Energy Sustainability Conference, July 2024
Panel Discussion on “How to Secure External Funding,” College of Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, February 2024
California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) virtual expert panel briefing, Innovations in Desalination, May 2023
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Desalination Salt: A Low-cost Energy Storage Medium, Desalination & Water Purification Research Program (DWPR) Principal Investigator Presentation, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO 2023
Thermal Investigation of Using Desalination Concentrate as A Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage, NASA funded Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Space Technology & Applied Research (CAM-STAR), University of the District of Columbia, 2021
Effectiveness of the Metropolitan Water District’s Innovative Conservation Program (ICP), Metropolitan Water District Board Committee Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2018
Wastewater Treatment using Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy and Thermal Science: Materials, Design, and Applications, 99th Annual Meeting of American Association for Advancement of Science, Pomona, CA 2018
Decentralized, Renewable Off-grid, Water Treatment, Annual Conference of CSU Water Resources and Policy Initiative (WRPI), San Jose, CA, 2017
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Electrohydrodynamics and Ion-Drag Flows in Macro and Micro Scales, Southern Illinois University Physics Department Colloquium, Edwardsville, IL, 2010
Journal Articles
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Salerno, C., Herlim, E.P., Kiriakos, J., Delagah, S., Repurposing Reverse Osmosis Concentrate as a Low-cost Thermal Energy Storage Medium, Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 8(4), pp. 31-40, 2020
Hakamian, K., Shafahi, M., Anderson, K., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Thermal Design and Analysis of a Solid-state Grid-tied Thermal Energy Storage for Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems, ASME Journal of Energy Resources and Technology; Vol. 141(6), 061903, 2019
Nithyanandam, K., Barde, A., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz, R.E., Charge and Discharge Characteristics of Elemental Sulfur in Isochoric High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage System, Applied Energy, Vol. 214, 166-177, 2018
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz, R. E., Kavehpour, H.P., Lavine, A.S., A Dimensionless Model for Transient Turbulent Natural Convection in Isochoric Vertical Thermal Energy Storage Tubes, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 10, 034501, 2018
Anderson K.R., Shafahi, M., Shihadeh, S., Perez, P., Kampen, B., McNamara, C., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Sharbat, A., and Palomo, M., Case Study of a Solar Tower/Compost Waste-to-Energy Test Facility, Journal of Solid Waste Technology & Management, Vol. 42, 698-708, 2016
Tse, L.A., Lavine, A.S., Baghaei Lakeh, R., and Wirz. R.E., Exergetic Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Phase Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Solar Energy, Vol. 122, 396-408, 2015
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Lavine A.S., Kavehpour, H.P., and Wirz, R.E., Study of Turbulent Natural Convection in Vertical Storage Tubes for Supercritical Thermal Energy Storage, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A, Vol. 67 (2), 119-139, 2015
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Enhancement of convective heat transfer by electrically-induced swirling effect in laminar and fully-developed internal flows, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 71(6), 1086-1099, 2013
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Lavine A.S., Kavehpour, H.P., Ganapathi, G.B., and Wirz, R.E., Effect of Laminar and Turbulent Natural Convection in Thermal Storage using Supercritical Fluids, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A, Vol. 64 (12), 955-973, 2013
Mashadi, B. and Baghaei Lakeh R., Fuel economy improvement based on a many-gear shifting strategy, International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 3(4), 577-590, 2012
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Targeted Heat Transfer Augmentation in Circular Tubes using a Corona Jet, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 33(1), 31-42, 2011
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Patterns of Airflow in Circular Tubes Caused by a Corona Jet with Concentric and Eccentric Wire Electrodes, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 132(8), 081201., 2010
Mashadi, B., Kazemkhani, A. and Baghaei Lakeh, R., An Automatic Gear Shifting Strategy for Manual Transmissions, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 221, 757-768, 2007
Conference Proceedings
Singh, A., Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Thermal Energy Storage Conceptual Design Using Reclaimed Minerals As Heat Storage Material,” ASME 2024 Conference of Energy Sustainability (ES2024), July 15-17, 2024, Anaheim, CA, USA
Engel T., Sephton, T., Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Thermodynamic Optimization of Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage Systems Using Reclaimed Minerals,” ASME 2024 Conference of Energy Sustainability (ES2024), July 15-17, 2024, Anaheim, CA, USA
Engel T., Sephton, T., Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Thermodynamic Investigation of Integrating A Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage System With A Thermal Distillation Unit,” accepted in Proceedings of the 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), April 21-24, 2024
†Theroux, KM, †Salerno CN, †Camey, BC, †Salas A, Sephton, T, Baghaei Lakeh, Reza,” Repurposed Desalination Salt: A Low-cost Thermal Energy Storage Medium” accepted in ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Oct 29 - Nov3, IMECE, 2023
†Lockwood G.W., †Rodriguez, A., †Cuevaschavez, M., †Nalbandian, R.N., and Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Lab Scale Demonstration Of Thermal Energy Storage Using Desalination Waste Salt,” Proceedings of the 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), March 26-29, 2023
†Justin Andrew Lee, †Christopher N. Salerno, †Karen U. Girgis, †Ulyses Aguirre, and Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Effect of Phase Change And Buoyancy-Driven Flows On An Roc-Based Thermal Energy Storage System,” ASME Conference on Energy Sustainability ES2021, June 16-18, 2021, Virtual, Online
Justin Andrew Lee, Christopher N. Salerno, Karen U. Girgis, Ulyses Aguirre, and Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Effect of Phase Change And Buoyancy-Driven Flows On An Roc-Based Thermal Energy Storage System,” ASME Conference on Energy Sustainability ES2021, June 16-18, 2021, Virtual, Online
Rozina N. Nalbandian, Karen U. Girgis, Benjamin T. Kong, Ulyses Aguirre, Adrian Gil C. Victorio, Justin Andrew Lee, and Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Simulation Of an ROC-Based Thermal Energy Storage System In Charge and Discharge Cycles,” ASME Conference on Energy Sustainability ES2021, June 16-18, 2021, Virtual, Online
Brian C. Camey, Joseph Kiriakos, Gauri Mhamunkar, Saied Delagah, Ali Sharbat, Aaron Mandell, and Baghaei Lakeh, R., “Techno-Economics Of Using Concentrate Of Membrane Processes As A Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage Medium,” ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021, November 1-5, 2021, Virtual, Online
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Cornell, K., Ly, B., Chan, A., Jahankhah, S., Development and Testing of a Lab-scale Air-Gap Membrane Distillation Unit for Water Desalination, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Andrade, D., Miller, K., Modabernia, M., Nguyen, T., Nguyen, J., Flanagan, E., Jacobo, D., Lopez, L., Phun, B., Kest, J., Baradii, J., Delagah, S., Sharbatmaleki, M., Design and Testing of a Solar-Driven Wastewater Treatment Unit for Off-Grid Applications, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Hakamian, K., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Thermal Design and Analysis of a Solid-state Grid-tied Thermal Energy Storage for Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems, submitted to ASME Power and Energy Conference, Lakeh Buena Vista, FL, 2018
Suzuki, G., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Studying Heat Transfer Effectiveness in Cylindrical Thermal Energy Storage Elements with Internal Heat Source, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Tampa, FL, 2017
Baghaei Lakeh, R, Andrade, D, Miller, KJ, Du, B., Pham, J., Modabernia, MM, Ng, PY, Nguyen, TN, Nguyen, JL, Mena, C, Anderson, KR , and Sharbatmaleki, M, A Case Study of Decentralized Off-grid Brackish Water Desalination using Reverse Osmosis, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Tampa, FL, 2017
Houssainy, S., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Kavehpour, H.P., A Thermodynamic Model of a High Temperature Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage System for Grid Storage, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2016
Nithyanandam, K., Barde, A., Tse, L., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz, R.E., Heat Transfer Behavior of Sulfur for Thermal Storage Applications, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2016
Nithyanandam, K., Barde, A., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz, R.E., Design and Analysis of Low-Cost Thermal Storage System for High Efficiency Concentrating Solar Power Plants, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2016
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Villazana, I, Houssainy, S., Anderson, K., Kavehpour, H.P., Design of a Modular Solid-Based Thermal Energy Storage for a Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage System, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2016
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Nithyanandam, K., Barde, A., Tse, L., Wirz, R.E., Effect of Viscosity Variations on Charge and Discharge Time of a Sulfur-based Thermal Energy Storage System, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2016
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Guerrero, Y.B., Wirz, R.E, Effect of Natural Convection on the Performance of an Isochoric Thermal Energy Storage System, The First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Waikoloa, HI, 2016
Anderson, K.R., McNamara, C., Shafahi, M., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in a Compost Waste-to-Energy Solar Tower, The First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, 2016
Anderson, K.R., Shafahi, M., Perez, P., Kampen, B., McNamara, C., Sharbat, A., Palomo, M., Baghaei Lakeh, Reza, Compost Waste Heat/Solar Tower Prototype Test Facility for a Sustainable Infrastructure, 7th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR 7), 2016
Anderson, K.R., Shafahi, M., Baghaei Lakeh, R.,Monemi, S., McNamara C., CFD Analysis of Hybrid Solar Tower Using Compost Waste Heat and Photovoltaics, proceedings of the IEEE SUSTECH 2015 Conference on Technologies and Sustainability, Ogden, UT, 2015
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Guerrero, Y.B., Nithyanandam, K., Wirz, R.E., Assessment of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Isochoric Thermal Energy Storage System, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Houston, TX, 2015
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Kavehpour, H.P., Wirz, R. E., Lavine, A.S., Transient Turbulent Natural Convection In Vertical Tubes For Indirect Thermal Energy Storage, ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, San Diego, CA, 2015
Anderson, K.R., McNamara, C., Shafahi, M., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Monemi, S., McNamara, C. CFD Study of Compost Waste Heat for Use in a Hybrid Solar Tower, IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Ogden, UT, 2015
24. Tse, L.A., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz. R.E., and Lavine, A.S., Exergy-Based Optimization of Sub- and Supercritical Thermal Energy Storage Systems, ASME 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Boston, MA, 2014
Baghaei Lakeh, R., Lavine, A.S., Kavehpour, H. P., Wirz, R. E, Investigation of Transient, Turbulent Natural Convection in Vertical Tubes for Thermal Energy Storage in Supercritical CO2, 66th Annual Meeting of the Fluid Mechanics Division of the American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013
Bran-Anleu, G., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Lavine, A.S., Wirz, R.E., and Kavehpour, H.P., An Algorithm to Determine the Optimized Data Range in Transient Hotwire Thermal Property Measurement, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), San Diego, CA, 2013
Furst B., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Wirz, R.E., Lavine, A.S., Isobaric, Isochoric and Supercritical Thermal Energy Storage in R134a, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), San Diego, CA, 2013
28. Baghaei Lakeh, R., Kavehpour H. P., Lavine, A.S., Ganapathi G. B., Wirz, R. E., Study of turbulent natural convection in vertical storage tubes for supercritical thermal storage, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition(IMECE), San Diego, CA, 2013
29. Baghaei Lakeh, R., Lavine, A.S., Kavehpour H. P., Ganapathi G. B., Wirz, R. E, Effect of natural convection on thermal energy storage using supercritical fluids, ASME 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, 2013
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Heat Transfer Enhancement of Laminar Internal Flows using Electrically-induced Swirling Effect, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Houston, TX, 2012
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Heat Transfer Enhancement in Rectangular Channels using a Corona Jet by Longitudinal Flat Electrodes, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Denver, CO, 2011
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Targeted Enhanced Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes using a Corona Jet, 2010, 47th Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, Ames, IA, 2010
Molki, M. and Baghaei Lakeh, R., A Low-Speed Corona Jet for Internal Spot Cooling of Tubes, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Fluid Mechanics Division of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, CA, 2010
Baghaei Lakeh, R. and Molki, M., Patterns of Secondary Flow Field in a Circular Tube Caused by Corona Wind Using the Method of Characteristics, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Lake Buena Vista, FL., 2009
Mashadi, B. and Baghaei Lakeh, R., A Fuel Economy Based Gear Shifting Strategy, Proceedings of EAEC2007, 11th European Automotive Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2007
Mashadi, B. and Baghaei Lakeh, R., Gear Shifting Strategy of Conventional Automatic Transmissions (in Persian), 15th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2007
Mashadi, B., Baghaei Lakeh, R., Effect of controlling the operating point of Internal Combustion Engines near the SFC efficient zone, 1st regional conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, 2006